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OSTOJA Rehabilitation and Education Center
The center is an institution with over twenty years’ experience in working with people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. The main mission of our center is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of our pupils. We strive to ensure that education and therapy provided in the center let our pupils develop their potential. We teach independence, communication, making choices that are adequate to the functional abilities of each pupil. We search for various ways of involving our pupils in social life.
We run education, therapy and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with severe intellectual disability in the form of group and individual revalidation and educational classes.
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Twoje 1,5% to dla mnie szansa na:
- edukację
- rehabilitację
- wsparcie specjalistyczne
- kontakt z rówieśnikami
1,5% dla Stowarzyszenia OSTOJA
na rzecz osób z niepełnosprawnościami
KRS: 0000081524